Identify which RA medications
work for which patients
Patient-treatment matching for rheumatoid arthritis
of $84,860 goal
200 people
of 200

You sample.
We process & analyze.

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About the Study:
Why is it important to know which medications work for which RA patients?
Almost half of RA patients fail to respond well to first-line therapies. They often endure nausea, mood swings, and even more pain as they navigate their treatment options through taxing trial and error. If patients can identify personalized treatments, then they can avoid unnecessary suffering. We want to give RA Warriors a head start on thriving, rather than just surviving, with their disease.
How will my contribution help?
If you have RA, your participation could help us unlock the answers we're after. Your immune system is unique, so we don't know what your cells will reveal! Single-cell RNA sequencing is very promising! Researchers have already shown how it can predict RA flares. Let's see what we can discover!
Donations are optional and open to anyone. If you donate, your contribution will go directly to this study. We are radically transparent, so our budget and timeline are posted upfront. ​You can see exactly where your donation is going (mostly to lab supplies) and how it speeds up the time for us to launch.
Stay updated and informed.
Unlike many clinical trials, our study focuses on creating research that can power more personalized treatments and diagnosis. We keep the lines of communication open with you. That means we will release continual updates to the community and you'll be the first to hear from us on our findings.
Follow along through our RA blog. Recent posts below.
Our Blog

Autoimmune Warrior Stories: Desiree Werland

Autoimmune Warrior Stories: Ashley Nicole